Night of Hope Sponsorships
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Antique Auto Museum
161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Provide an item for our silent or live auction
Promotion of your company on our website and social media
Examples of items we are looking for:
Gift Cards
Gift Baskets
Food/Drink Experiences/Gift Cards
Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas you'd like to discuss!
A Letter from our Executive Director
I am writing on behalf of Holding Hope, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports families of children with
life-threatening illnesses being treated at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. We provide gas and grocery gift
cards to families, send them on a relaxing getaway to rejuvenate with one another, provide gifts and gift cards to
children in the hospital, and give parents and caregivers a night out on us. We support over 150 families each year.
As we continue to help many families in Central Pennsylvania whose children are undergoing treatment at Hershey
Medical Center, our need to raise funds continues to grow. In this pursuit, we will host our popular charity wine
and music event, "Night of Hope” on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at the AACA Museum in Hershey. As a locally-owned
business, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference in our community by financially supporting Holding
Hope. A business partnership can come in various ways such as:
Silent Auction Items (gift cards, silent auction items, raffle items, etc.)
Live Auction Items
We hope your business will consider joining us in our endeavor to support families of children with
life-threatening illnesses. The contribution is 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated. Your sponsorship will
help many families with critically-ill children. We will use multiple opportunities to promote your business
including, but not limited to, promotion at the event as well as on our website and other social media channels.
For the 2025 year, we are focusing on our Embrace program where we have selected two families to “Embrace”
for the year. This would include financial support, gift cards, and parents’ night out, Christmas gifts, birthday
presents, and an all paid vacation. Our goal is to one day build a unique respite facility that will provide families
with a therapeutic atmosphere and promote rest in the midst of the storm. While we are working to raise money to
build this one-of-a-kind facility, we are committed to our efforts of being a relevant resource today.
Thank you for your consideration.
Christina Derr
Executive Director & Co-Founder
EIN# 46-1108847
If you have any questions please contact Chrissy at 717-649-8126 or chrissy@holdinghope.org